Jonathan Forrest

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a r t i c l e s :


Gilbert Bouchard, "Rural immersion colours Saskatoon artist`s work", Edmonton Journal - "What`s On", June 6, 2008 (>>text)

Gilbert Bouchard, "Abstractionist`s work looks to the future, not the past", Edmonton Journal, The Visual Arts, June 23, 2006 (>>text)

Robert Christie, “Jonathan Forrest: New Works”, (catalogue essay, Art Gallery of Swift Current), 1990 (>>text)

Julia Dault, "Prairie Fields of Colour", National Post, April 15, 2004, B6    view PDF   (>>text)

Robert Enright, “Shaking Up All Over”, Border Crossing, Winter 2004 (“borderviews section”)    view PDF

Terry Fenton, “Studio Visit”, (pamphlet for studio watch exhibition at the Mendel Art Gallery), 1994 (>>text)

Sky Glabush, “Three Generations”, Canadian Art, Summer 2004 (exhibition review)    view PDF   (>>text)

Sky Glabush, "Pursuing Paint", the Mendel Art Gallery, Folio magazine, Winter 2000/01 (transcript of conversation between Glabush & Forrest) (>>text)

Sky Glabush, "Materialism", New West Magazine, 2000 (exhibition review) (>>text)

Piri Halasz and David Evison, "A Tale Of Three Cities", NY Arts Magazine , March, 2005 (>>text)

Helen Marzolf, "Jonathan Forrest: Recent Paintings", 1998 (essay for exhibition at the Dunlop Art Gallery) (>>text)

Roald Nasgaard, "Abstract Painting in Canada", published by Douglas & McIntyre, 2007, p. 297    view PDF

Douglas McLean, "Abstraction's Bold New Face", Galleries West, April 2007    view PDF

Steven Ross Smith, "Playing the Angles", Galleries West, April 2007    view PDF

Jeffrey Spalding, "Jonathan Forrest: Exploding Abstraction’s Histories", Canadian Art Online, April 2010    view PDF

Karen Wilkin, "An Inadvertent Vanguard", The Hudson Review, NY, Spring 2002    view PDF   (>>text)

Karen Wilkin, "Northerness and Other Considerations: At the Museums and Elsewhere", The Hudson Review, NY, Winter 2004    view PDF